February 2019

                             Lessons Learned

The way we grow… the way we Empower ourselves is from our past, not by wishing to change our past, but to Learn, to reflect on what we could have said or done better. 

Not to constantly beat ourselves up for what was done. Not to try to change it, for that of course is Impossible.

But what is Possible . . . What is Powerful . . . Is to use it. Use it; To Learn . . . To Understand . . . To Grow . . . To Become Empowered, not in a self righteous way, because that would be the very opposite of Leaning. But Empowered in a way to move us and everyone around us Forward. 

The past is the past, and unless we Lean from it we will continue to recreate it,  to relive it, over and over again.

Since we can not change the past, why not use it to assist us in; Learning - Growing - and becoming Stronger.

Dedicate the Month of February to befriend the past,  To Learn, To Understand, To Grow, and become Empowered.

Smile, Wade