NLP = Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro: Neurological (the nervous system)

Linguistic: Language of your nerves and speech

Programming: Behavioral Patterns Learned Through Experience that repeat over and over. 

NLP is an approach to the structure of communication, personal development, and psychotherapy developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s.

Bandler and Grinder believed that there is a connection between the neurological process, language, and behavioral patterns that can be changed to assist in achieving specific goals in life.

NLP is what Wade likes to call waking Hypnosis. It consists of many elements that Bandler and Grinder created from the modeling of exceptional people. Three of the people that Bandler and Grinder focused on happened to be the best in their respective fields, consistently creating amazing results. They were: Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson.

With permission from Virginia, Fritz, and Milton; Bandler and Grinder studied them to see how they conducted interactions, and then broke down the processes they used. They observed every detail of their interactions and noticed some patterns of similarity. The results created a better understanding of how we communicate.

Our methods of communication are not just verbal, but a combination of: 

  • What we say and the specific words we choose.
  • What we hear and how we listen.
  • What we feel and where in our bodies certain emotions or triggers show up. 

Learning how we communicate is the beginning to having increased harmony in our lives.

Think about this for a moment:
Do you use more, "Seeing", "Hearing" or "Feeling" type words in your everyday language.

For example: Which of the following statements resonates most with you?:

  • "I can see what you’re saying..." 
  • "I hear what you are saying..."
  • "I'm getting a sense of what you’re saying..."

The one above that resonates with you the most could be an indication of your preferred communicate style. (Noting of course that we communicate in all styles.)

"I can see what you’re saying" = You may be a more Visual communicator.

"I hear what you are saying" = You may be more of an Auditory communicator.

"I'm getting a sense of what you’re saying" = You may be a more Kinesthetic communicator. 

Learning how you communicate and then paying attention and honoring how others communicate can change and improve your relationships forever!

Robert Dilts (NLP pioneer) is responsible for the understanding we now have about how the movements of our eyes during communication has a direct correlation to how and what we are thinking. Just paying attention to what direction someone's eyes are looking while they are communicating can tell you if they are Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic, and also if they are remembering or creating something.

These are just two brief examples of what has been developed through NLP. There are many other extremely powerful processes that have been developed that have been proven to help people gain control again from issues that had previously left them feeling hopeless.

NLP is an important asset in creating Powerful Transformations!

“Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind”
— Robert Green Ingersoll